Welcome to my creative space. Here, I hope to showcase some of my scale models and miniatures, but more importantly to show my development. I've never considered myself a creative person, more a logical/structured person. Scale modelling and tabletop gaming/miniature painting came to me relatively late in life, following a life-changing event.

Although I started scale model building in November 2013, I still consider myself a novice, with many things that I do, being the first time of doing so. My building/painting is hampered by the fact that I'm colourblind. My brain sees the colour but has trouble identifying it, which makes for some frustrating times.

The hobby has introduced me to a whole new group of people, from the world over and forged friendships with people I've never met or I'd never have otherwise met. As an active member, of a local scale model club, I've had the opportunity to attending model and figure shows, throughout the UK & Europe, and even managed to collects some medals, along the way..
This site is intended to be a portal to my Facebook page and Instagram, which will carry more regular updates as well as Work In Progress (WIP) images, relevant product information and more extensive images of my projects.

If you have a question, comment or suggestion, plese feel free to use  the form below to send me your feedback. I appreciate you taking the time to view my site.



Due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) I will not be attending any Events, for the forseeable future.


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